
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Eternal Awesomeness

I know I've done a post like this before. But I'm just so excited, guys. This is some exciting stuff. 

Six. Months. From. Today. 

Oookkaaayyy, but Marie-Rose, what's so special about June 14?? 

I wanna be baptized that day, that's what's special about it!! 

SIX MONTHS!!!!! That's so very crazy close!! And super exciting! 

It doesn't feel real yet. It probably won't feel real for a very long time. Sometimes I feel like I'm waiting for a possibility rather than a certainty. Like an "I might be able to get baptized" rather than an "I WILL GET BAPTIZED." I still WANT to either way. But oftentimes I'm scared that something will prevent it. Which is totally irrational, cuz I will be 18 and I can't think of anything that could stop it. But ya know how, whenever you want something SOOO much, it seems like it always falls through? I'm terrified of that. 

Because I want to be baptized more than I've ever wanted anything. 

Earthly desires are one thing. But baptism is important. It means something eternally. And I want that eternal awesomeness. I want the Holy Ghost to be with me, I want to be worthy to have Him with me, and I want to be baptized. 

<3 Marie-Rose

Ps I saw Batmoose today and it MADE MY DAY. I hope you still read this, Batmoose :) <3 I got you a Christmas present. Hopefully I see you on Thursday. I love you! 


  1. Your testimony makes me so happy. Don't ever stop.

  2. Marie-Rose, you are amazing! You are so inspiring, righteous, and in tune to the Spirit! I've been following Whitney and Whitney and Sarah for a long time but could never find your blog, and today I found it! I read all your posts! I love you! You are such a great example! Never feel like you need to apologize for being "only a concert" because you have a stronger testimony than most normal kids. You are so strong and steadfast and immovable! I love it! I hope we can meet sometime, in this life or the next! You are so awesome!

    Expect more comments from me ;)

    1. Awwww, thank you :D you just made my day :)
      <3 Marie-Rose

  3. That's so great. I agree. Don't ever stop.

  4. convert is what I meant, not concert ;)

    1. Oh, that makes much more sense! :) thank you for clarifying :)


Dear People Who Comment,

You are awesome. That is all.
<3 Marie-Rose