
Thursday, January 2, 2014


I'm not sure what else I can say about knowledge that you haven't heard already. We are to seek both temporal and spiritual knowledge. So that means you should go to college and read your scriptures. And knowledge is the only thing that stays with you after you die; all your worldly possessions stay behind.

When I think of "temporal knowledge," I cringe at the thought of school. Of studying. Quizzes and tests and projects. Especially because I have a very low opinion of the public school system. But then I have to think of how blessed I am. Many people don't have half the chance that I do. I have the educational resources to guarantee myself a reasonable job and income. I just have to put forth a little effort.

D'you know what makes me sad? The people who treat high school as a joke. They sleep through all their classes, don't do any homework, and generally don't care. They think they're "cool." You know the type. And some of them get it figured out. They realize that there's this thing called a transcript and a GPA, and once you screw those up, you can't fix it. And some never get it figured out. 

I highly recommend the book Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations. It's by twin brothers, teenagers, who believe that because people expect very little of young adults, the young adults don't do very much. If your mother didn't expect you to do the dishes, would you do them? Well, the school system doesn't expect much of us teens, either. So the mentality is, why should we do more than expected of us?

Well, to gain knowledge, because Heavenly Father expects us to. Just because your teachers or your parents don't expect you to do something, doesn't mean your Father in Heaven doesn't expect you to do it. Oh boy, that was a messy sentence. 

So basically, you should gain knowledge. And balance your time spent gaining knowledge between your schoolwork and your scriptures. Both contain important lessons that one day you'll be glad to have learned. 

<3 Marie-Rose

PS you really should read Do Hard Things. The authors are Alex and Brett Harris. It's one of the most inspiring books I've ever read.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good way to look at it. The world is falling because we are lowering our expectations. But we need to remember whose expectations we should value the most ;)


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You are awesome. That is all.
<3 Marie-Rose