
Sunday, August 17, 2014

#collegebound, and History Trek

This whole being an adult thing isn't working out for me, guys. If we could go back in time one year so I could have my senior year back, that would be great! :)

I leave for college this week. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I don't think I'm quite ready. I'm certainly not quite packed yet. I still have to go buy nail polish remover and wash my new comforter and figure out which clothes I can leave home. Not to mention a million other things that I'm probably forgetting. So that's why I haven't been posting. Sorry 'bout that... :)
I could sit and look at this Temple all day.

I had the opportunity to go on History Trek a couple weekends ago. We went to sites like Winter Quarters, Liberty Jail, Far West, Carthage, and Nauvoo (and probably some more that I'm forgetting right now). The night before we left, I prayed. My goal for this trip was to figure out how to best approach my dad about my baptism, so as to help him be comfortable with my decision.

And then practically everything and everyone was like "Faith in God includes faith in His timing" the WHOLE TRIP. I think I got my answer, it's just not the one I wanted.

I've known for quite a while that I'm supposed to learn patience by waiting to get baptized. I thought I could put a time limit on my trial, though. I thought I could decide when my patience lesson ended. Needless to say, I was quite wrong.

It's one thing to wait for something, knowing exactly when that thing will come to pass. It's a totally different matter to wait, not knowing when your waiting will end. I KNOW that I will eventually get baptized. It will happen. And right now, my intent is the only thing that matters. For some reason - Heavenly Father's reason - I need to wait. So here I am, waiting.

And also going to college.

<3 Marie-Rose


  1. Hey sorry if this posts twice-- I'm having wifi issues. haha :D I just want to thank you for sharing this. I really admire your faith. Lessons in patience are some of the hardest to learn, but like you said, God's timing is always best. I am working on learning that right now, too. Thank you for this great reminder and for your wonderful example! I know God has amazing things in store for you.


    1. Awww, thanks! I really appreciate comments like that, they make my day :)

      <3 Marie-Rose

  2. I love this. Growing up in the church I always took my baptism for granted. It was just something you did when you were 8. But learning your story makes me appreciate my baptism more. I love the way you continue to fight for what you believe even though it's hard and even though the people around you might not agree with you. Thanks so much for your example! God wants you as a part of his kingdom and he is preparing a way for you to get there.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment :) I'm so excited to get baptized. I have a feeling it'll happen before my birthday next spring.... :D

      <3 Marie-Rose


Dear People Who Comment,

You are awesome. That is all.
<3 Marie-Rose