
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Making progress

Guess what! I'm at college now! Three weeks of classes under my belt, and I'm really liking it here. Especially the whole I-can-go-to-church-whenever-I-want part :D I'm attending YSA activities, I did (almost) a full fast for the first time on Fast Sunday (still had water, but I get dehydrated easily and that leads to massive headaches. Also, fasting in general used to lead to massive headaches. Last Sunday, though, I was fine!!), and testimony meeting was awesome.

Ya know how sometimes, you just HAVE to go up, even though you totally weren't planning on it? That's happened to me. I know what it feels like. And on Sunday it didn't happen. Part of me is just excited that I didn't have to go up in front of people. But at the same time, it actually strengthens my testimony of testimony meetings, if that makes any sense.

See, because I didn't get that feeling on Sunday, I knew I didn't need to go up. Which means that I know I have the ability to differentiate between days He wants me to speak, and days He doesn't need me to (that's awesome, to know that I can do that). At the same time, feeling that difference reinforces the fact that He knows what each of us needs to hear. He knows who to prompt to go up and say things that someone else needs to hear. He's awesome at working through us in that way.

Seemingly random tangent: I was talking with a girl from YSA whose conversion story is very similar to mine. Her dad being not okay with her baptism and everything. And she asked me, at what point will you decide to stop waiting for his approval? Do you have a timeline? Or will you just wait forever? That really struck me. So I decided to start taking steps towards helping my dad learn more about the church.

I left two pamphlets in my room, One is The Plan of Salvation and the other is The Restoration. And the other day I finally told my dad that they were there so he could read them. I'm not sure if he's touched them yet, but I think it's time for me to start working towards baptism. Again. Even if it STILL doesn't happen for months yet, I need to be active in talking to my dad about it. A good friend of mine was just baptized today, and I hope to get her to guest post very soon :) She inspires me to actively work in the same direction. It's kind of exciting.

<3 Marie-Rose


  1. College sounds exciting! And congrats on fasting! That's totally hard for me... I love food! But I do know that God rewards our sacrifice and that every time I fast I can feel the blessings in my life. Good luck with the rest of college!

    1. Thanks! I think I might fast again for my dad to be okay with my baptism sometimes soon. I think I have a date picked out, soo... :) Kind of exciting!!

      <3 Marie-Rose

  2. Yay! Keep hoping and keep writing! I love reading your blog and I'm so glad you're liking college!

    1. Thank you :D College is the greatest. It's so much fun :) I feel bad I haven't been writing as much, but I'm so super busy!!

      <3 Marie-Rose


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You are awesome. That is all.
<3 Marie-Rose